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LAMB (Learning About My Bible)

LAMB Bible Study is a group for women of all ages.  They are currently studying "HEROES OF FAITH" Bible Study guide.


LAMB Bible Study meets in the GRACE Center Room 105 on Tuesday mornings from 9:30-10:30 AM. 


Seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

Micah 6:8

Lynelle Pierce Bible Study

A Bible study on the book of Exodus, led by Lynnelle Pierce, takes place on Monday evenings beginning at

6:30 PM in the sanctuary.


Our Fall 2024 study will begin in September 2024. Please view our website calendar for the most current information.


Also visit Lynnelle's website for resources and more information.

Men's Recharge

Men of all ages are welcome to join as we engage in Bible discussion, enjoy a light breakfast, share fellowship, and spend time in prayer.  We meet in the Meeting Grounds Room on the church's main level on Tuesday mornings at 5:30 AM.  


This Bible study is led by various men.



Praise Team

Praise Team generally meets on Wednesday evenings to practice for Sunday morning service. 


This is not a team for professionals. In fact, it's a team for "all in" Jesus lovin' people who wanna use their gift of music to praise the One who gave His gift for us and help prepare the hearts of people to receive the spoken word of God. 


Age is just a number ... so if you love Jesus, you're the perfect age for this team!


Contact Kristin to join!

The Single Women's Bible Study

The Single Women’s Bible Study is open to all single women. It is Bible study, lunch, and much more.  Together we share our joys and concerns as single women, uplifting each other in fellowship and prayer.  This study meets on the third Sunday of each month at the home of Beverly Jaarsma following the morning service.

Home Bible Studies

Adult Bible Study groups meet on a monthly basis in the homes of Ottawa families to study God's Word together, ask questions, and grow in relationship with one another.

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